CO2 Temperatur Gewicht Fettanteil Batterie
sysdate() - INTERVAL 2 day;"; } if($myfunc == 'temp') { $query = "select meastime year, mantissa/10 value from wi_measure where type = 12 and meastime > sysdate() - INTERVAL 2 day;"; } if($myfunc == 'wgt') { $query = "select wgt.meastime year, wgt.value/1000 value from wi_measure wgt where wgt.userid = $myuserid and wgt.type =1;"; } if($myfunc == 'pft') { $query = "select imp.meastime year, 1000*100*(wgt.value/1000 - (0.7374 * ($myheight*$myheight /imp.value) + 0.1763 * (wgt.value/1000) - 0.1773 * ($myage) + 0.1198 * (57.6) - 2.4658))/wgt.value value from wi_measure imp, wi_measure wgt where imp.type = 16 and imp.userid = $myuserid and wgt.userid = $myuserid and wgt.type = 1 and imp.meastime = wgt.meastime; "; } if($myfunc == 'bat') { $query = "select recvtime year, value from wi_measure where unit = 1 and type = 1;"; } $result = mysqli_query($con,$query); $total_rows = $result->num_rows; if($result) { $rows = []; while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $rows[] = $row; } } ?>